Business Law
• Review of various agreements and contracts
• Advice on legal issues with your business
• Advice to ensure employment standard compliance
• Conduct of employment agreement and termination of employees
Family Law
• Cohabitation agreement
• Marriage agreement
• Separation agreement
• Custody of the children
• Property distribution
• Child/Spousal support
Employment Law
• Employment Agreement
• Advice and conduct of offer letter and employment agreement
• Workplace Investigation
• Advice of employment standards compliance
• Performance management of employee
• Ending Employment Relation
• Conduct of termination of an employee
Labour Law
• Employment Standards Compliance
• Wrongful dismissal
• Denied notice
• Denied severance pay
• Denied wages
• Unfairly treated at the workplace
• Bullied or harassed at the workplace
Wills And Estates
• Will
• Power of Attorney
• Trusts